Fallout 76 will be getting some awesome new content for the latest patch update.
The game has been through some seriously rough waters so far, but Bethesda has been trying to patch up their problems and continue to add new stuff for players to enjoy.
The latest patch, Patch 12, will be released later this month. There will major updates to the Charleston Capitol Courthouse with a reworked design an layout. The Capitol building and courthouse are also now two separate areas, so players can definitely enjoy their time exploring these reworks.
This was done to allow developers to adjust the difficulty of the enemies, and help the Key to the Past Questline for QoL enhancements.
There will also display cases for players to show off their favorite junk or prized possession. Players can have up to 30 cases and each display has a limit of what can be displayed to others.
Other changes to Patch 12 will be a 30K Cap limit, and holding down the action button to activate something so you don’t do this by accident. Remember the last time you sat on a chair by accident? Oof.
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