Overwatch “Spider Windowmaker” skin leaked

Overwatch’s Windowmaker has a new Halloween skin. And it’s something that you’d feel like should’ve been implemented a long, long time ago.

It looks very similar to her default skin, but it has some spider webbing leggings and some darker, ominous colors over her outfit and rifle. Her skin is a delicious, yet deadly combination of purple, black, and various shades of silver entangled into a web of chaos. The skin really does fit her name.

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The skin was leaked on a video posted to the Xbox Facebook page before any official word from Blizzard’s account was posted. The skin has been dubbed the Spider Widowmaker. No word on whether the skin will be Legendary or just Epic so far, but the buzzing community has debated that it’ll likely be available in the Hero Gallery as a mere Epic.

Overwatch’s Halloween Terror event begins on October 9th until the end of the month. Leaks have been revealed for a few Heros, such as Doomfist, Moira, and the now-unveiled Windowmaker.

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