Black Ops 4: 50% discount on everything in the Black Market

Black Ops 4: 50% discount on everything in the Black Market 2

Treyarch announced a new sale for their Black Market in-game shop. This is probably aimed at players who just picked up Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 for Christmas. But whether or not you’re new to the game, all players will benefit from being able to purchase anything from the shop for 50% off. This … Read more

New camo released for MOG-12 in Black Ops 4

New camo released for MOG-12 in Black Ops 4 4

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 just can’t stop making headlines with developer Treyarch constantly putting out content after content and trailer after trailer. This time, Treyarch is showing off a new in-game camo for the MOG-12, the game’s only pump-action shotgun in a new video on their Twitter account. The trailer features a detailed … Read more

Treyarch hints Zombies planning holiday surprise in Black Ops 4

Treyarch hints Zombies planning holiday surprise in Black Ops 4 5

Treyarch has been on a roll lately with all their content updates and the release of their first major DLC, Operation Absolute Zero. But now it seems like Treyarch has started teasing something that’ll be coming to the Black Ops title soon enough. Specifically, it’ll do with the Blackout mode and Zombies. Can you guess what … Read more

Treyarch releases Valkyrie Paladin weapon variant and Valhalla outfit

Treyarch releases Valkyrie Paladin weapon variant and Valhalla outfit 9

Treyarch released a new trailer showing off the Valkyrie Paladin and the Valhalla outfit for Ruin in Black Ops 4. They’ve been on a roll this week with free content updates for all players and the Operation: Absolute Zero update that went live on Tuesday. They also added a new special to the game that … Read more

Black Ops 4 Battle Edition lets you play 2 of 3 game modes for a cheaper price

Black Ops 4 Battle Edition lets you play 2 of 3 game modes for a cheaper price 11

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will be releasing a new, cheaper version that gives players access to just Multiplayer and Blackout modes with the ability to add Zombies separately. This new version will retail for just $29.99 (for now) and is called the Black Ops 4 Battle Edition, exclusively for PC. Activision and Treyarch announced the news … Read more

Rumor: Two new map variants coming to Black Ops 4; Firing Range Night, Seaside Sunset

Rumor: Two new map variants coming to Black Ops 4; Firing Range Night, Seaside Sunset 12

Two new maps have been leaked and will be coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 in the near future.

Well, they’re not exactly new maps, but rather, map variants. Variants are nothing new to CoD games, as Modern Warfare Remastered had multiple seasonal variants of game maps. This feature is also coming to BO4 as two new game files have been leaked from the game’s data.

Call of Duty fanatic NecrosCinema claims that a friend reported information about two new map variants added to the game after the latest Black Ops 4 update:

  • Firing Range Night
  • Seaside Sunset

From these map names, we can already see which newly modified maps and what variant they’ll receive. Firing Range will get a Night mode and Seaside will get a Sunset mode.

And he claims to have footage of these new variants. You can see the footage attached to the end of this post- straight from NerosCinema. There’s no set release date for these maps right now, but they’ll likely be going live soon enough because they’ve been added to the game already and there’s no point in keeping them there to hog up resources and make download unnecessarily lengthy for players, right?

These are the first few map variants in Blacks Ops 4, following the launch of Nuketown which is a whole new map released for all platforms last week- with PS4 owners getting the map a week ahead as part of a Sony/Activision deal.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is available on PS4, PC, and Xbox One and is now a little over a month old. You can check it out on Amazon here.

This post contains affiliate links where barrelrolled may receive a small commission upon sales. (This helps us feed our writers the good brand of ramen noodles rather than the generic, store brand.)

Black Ops 4 major update 1.07; Weapon balancing, Nuketown, and bug fixes

Black Ops 4 major update 1.07; Weapon balancing, Nuketown, and bug fixes 13

Another huge update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has been dropped today that features some major game changes to every single mode. The update spans 9GB on PS4 and 10.95GB on the Xbox One. PC players will get a delayed update that’ll come later today.

Treyarch released a number of game improvements for Blackout, Multiplayer, and Zombies mode. Nuketown has also been added to both Xbox One and PC as the 7-day mark has now been completed and the rest of the playerbase can now get their hands on the Russian map. For those unaware, Sony and Activision have a partnership where PS4 owners get content one week earlier than other platforms.

For the Multiplayer mode, various Scorestreaks were adjusted. The Dart and Lightning Strike were both reduced while the Hellstorm and RC-XD were buffed. Zombies mode was adjusted like crazy with a huge list of bug fixes that relieve game crashes (over 70) and enhanced stability.

The update includes bugs across all four maps, UI enchamcents, and more. Treyarch states that they want to “take care of the remaining stability issues in high-round play” and that they’ve “bolstered our ability to research and investigate these issues” and that they have “several fixes int he works that will be rolled out in the near future.”

The update has some major weapon balancing. On consoles, the ABR 223 and the Swordfish have received buffs to diminish recoil, which is what Treyarch originally planned for that specific class of weaponry. They also noted that SMG buffs from the previous balance patch were too powerful for PC users and thus nerfed them again. They stated that this is “best [to] suit the needs of [the] PC community.”


Here are full patch notes for the 1.07 BO4 update:

Today’s title update is another big one, and we’re celebrating the long holiday weekend with our first QUAD FEED in Black Ops 4! Starting 10AM PT tomorrow, all players get 2XP in MP and Zombies, 2X Tier Boost, 2X Merits, and 2X Nebulium Plasma on all platforms through Monday, Nov. 26. Now, onto what’s coming to the game today…

Nuketown arrives on Xbox One and PC! Join the chaos in the dedicated Nuketown Featured Playlist this week, featuring 6v6 Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Hardpoint in Nuketown. Also live on Xbox One and PC: Zombies invade Nuketown Island in Blackout for a limited time, and Blackjack’s Shop opens in the Black Market.

Big improvements to Multiplayer are here with today’s update! We’ve fixed several MP-specific crashes, increased the delivery speed of Care Packages, updated several modes and Challenges, enabled Mastercraft camos instantly on Signature Weapons, updated the visibility of Clan Tags and Kill Counters, adjusted the costs of several Scorestreaks based on current performance to ensure players are getting the most bang for their buck, and more. Remember to visit the Scorestreaks selection menu to adjust your equipped Scorestreaks accordingly after downloading today’s update.

We’ve also added TDM 100 as our latest Featured playlist on all platforms, bumping up the score limit for Team Deathmatch to 100 by popular demand. Hardcore Mercenary Moshpit, Mercenary Moshpit, and Gun Game round out the Featured category for the week. Jump into this week’s Featured playlists today and get those wins.

For our Zombies players, we’re delivering 70+ crash fixes and gameplay improvements today, making this stability pass even bigger than last week’s major update. See below for the full list, including fixes for crashes and bugs across all four maps, UI improvements, and more. As we continue to identify and address more specific Zombies gameplay scenarios that could cause the game to crash, our primary focus is now on taking care of the remaining stability issues in high-round play. We have bolstered our ability to research and investigate these issues, and have several fixes in the works that will be rolled out in the near future.

In Blackout, we’ve addressed issues with screen jittering when moving and changing attachments or healing, and made the Bowie Knife now available in Equipment Stashes, as a random drop from killing Zombies, and as a randomized item spawn in Zombies-themed locations on PS4, with other platforms to follow.

Finally, our PC update is coming later today, including its own set of unique changes in addition to the ones listed below. In this update, we’ve decided to roll back the SMG balance changes from last week’s update that did not translate as well to the PC meta. See below for full details in the dedicated PC section of the patch notes.


The following updates are now live on Xbox One, with PC to follow shortly:


  • Nuketown added to rotation in MP playlists.
  • Nuketown Featured Playlist added (6v6 Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, Hardpoint).


  • To celebrate the launch of Nuketown, Zombies now spawn on Nuketown Island with a new Zombies Stash spawn location behind the Nuketown sign for a limited time.

Black Market

  • Blackjack’s Shop added to the Black Market.


We’ve made the following updates to the game on PS4 and Xbox One, with PC to follow shortly:


  • General
    • Nuketown added to rotation in MP playlists.
    • Updated Clan Tag and Kill Counter Weapon Prestige rewards to use an LED display for higher visibility on weapons.
    • Players can now equip Mastercraft camos on their Signature Weapon as soon as they acquire the Signature Weapon.
  • Playlist Updates
    • TDM 100 added to Featured Category (Team Deathmatch with a score limit of 100).
    • Mercenary Moshpit added to Featured Category (Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint, and Domination, no parties allowed).
    • Hardcore Mercenary Moshpit added to Featured Category (Hardcore Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, and Domination, no parties allowed).
    • Gun Game remains in Featured Category.
    • Endurance Chaos Moshpit remains in Featured Category (PS4).
  • Stability
    • Fixed crashes that could occur:
    • When using the Reactor Core.
    • When a Firebreak player left the game after using their Reactor Core.
    • When a Nomad player left the game after using their Mesh Mines.
    • While freezing in the water in Icebreaker.
    • When piloting the Hellstorm.
    • When selecting a Specialist in the Specialist Draft.
    • When the player picked up a weapon in Multiplayer.
    • If the Transport Helicopter was destroyed while delivering a Care Package or Mantis.
    • Related to the Drone Squad’s wing-drone turrets animating incorrectly.
    • When failing to play a sound when picking up dog tags in Kill Confirmed.
    • When a player left a match while being shocked by the Tempest.
  • Scorestreaks
    • Care Package
      • Adjusted delivery chopper entry and exit points across all maps to reduce delivery times.
      • Increased the entry and exit speeds for the delivery chopper.
      • Reduced how often high-end Scorestreaks can be received in Care Packages.
      • Reduced the amount of roll on the smoke marker to ensure that the end position is a more accurate representation of where the Care Package will drop.
    • Score Adjustments
      • Dart reduced from 500 default to 450 / 350 with COMSEC Device.
      • RC-XD increased from 450 to 500 default / 400 with COMSEC Device.
      • Lightning Strike reduced from 900 to 850 default / 600 with COMSEC Device.
      • Sentry reduced from 950 to 900 default / 700 with COMSEC Device.
      • Hellstorm increased from 850 to 950 default / 750 with COMSEC Device.
      • Sniper’s Nest reduced from 1100 to 1050 default / 850 with COMSEC Device.
      • Mantis increased to 1100 default / 900 with COMSEC Device.
      • Thresher reduced from 1250 to 1200 default / 950 with COMSEC Device.
      • Attack Chopper increased from 1200 to 1300 default / 1000 with COMSEC Device.
      • Reduced score given for all Scorestreak kills from +25 to +10.
  • Game Modes
    • Hardcore
      • Resolved an issue where teammate names were not displaying properly in Hardcore Search & Destroy.
      • Teammates that die to a friendly bombsite explosion will no longer count toward the teamkill kick limit.
      • Care Package team kills will no longer count towards the teamkill kick limit.
    • Hardpoint
      • Reduced the score given for Hardpoint Secured to +50.
      • Resolved an issue that would prevent players from owning the Hardpoint while using the Lightning Strike tablet.
    • Search & Destroy
      • Silent Plant setting in Custom Games should now make planting and defusing the bomb completely silent.
    • CWL Custom Games
      • Addressed an issue where Specialist Weapons and Equipment would not update when players switched Specialists.
  • Specialists
    • Seraph’s Tac Deploy will now only allow 1 respawn per use in Free For All.
  • Challenges
    • Atomic Drop
      • The player’s death by their own Reactor Core will no longer track toward this Challenge.
    • Spotter
      • Kills in Free For All will no longer track toward this Challenge.
    • Air Cover
      • Resolved an issue where progress was not awarded in Hardpoint or Control.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Manually destroying the Tac-Deploy now gives Score.

Weapon Balance (MP Only)

Burst Tactical Rifles have been adjusted slightly to better define their role as ranged power-position weapons. With these changes in place, weapon balance on consoles is where we want it to be after the first month of changes, and we’ll allow the meta to stabilize before making additional balance passes.

  • Tactical Rifles
    • Swordfish
      • Reduced upward recoil to achieve a more accurate burst.
    • ABR 223
      • Slightly reduced upward recoil.
      • Extended 4-hit kill range from 25m to 32m.


  • Stability
    • Global – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • While Zombies spawned into the map.
      • While the Mystery Box loaded into the map.
      • When interacting a second time with an object that should only be used or interacted with once.
      • When an enemy climbed or mantled over railing or terrain in order to spawn into the playable space.
      • When updating player stats in the After Action Report screen.
      • When disconnecting and reconnecting the controller during a match, leaving the player stuck on the “Please reconnect controller” message.
      • After disconnects while one player was reviving another.
      • When triggering the Winter’s Wail explosion FX.
      • When a player disconnected within a certain time after joining the game.
      • When Zombies were moving away from downed players.
      • When a player was downed while using the Ragnarok DG-5.
      • When a Bot decided to kill the last enemy in the round.
      • When the player disconnected after using Point Drops and before they were picked up.
      • When a player disconnected as the Hellfire’s Infernal Tempest disappeared.
      • When a player used the Burned Out Elixir.
      • When the inventory updated while picking up an item.
      • When a player’s grenades were restored as the next round started.
      • When a player disconnected while a power-up dropped.
      • When the player disconnected from their party while in the Custom Games screen.
      • When calculating the player’s final score at the Game Over screen.
      • When interacting with the crafting table to craft any item for the first time.
      • When Dying Wish and Winter’s Wail cooldown UI elements were on-screen.
      • When updating the player’s stats and score when tracking Rush multipliers.
      • When the player disconnected while opening a door.
      • When killing Zombies with the Ragnarok DG-5.
      • When triggering Kill-O-Watt’s FX.
      • When triggering Frostbite’s FX.
    • Blood of the Dead – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • When a player disconnected as the next Hellhound round was being determined.
      • Related to the UI at high rounds.
      • While following the Warden from the cellblock during the Main Quest.
      • When a player disconnected while looking at the bird during the Main Quest.
      • When killing Zombies during the banjo ghost event in the Main Quest.
      • When the player disconnected while following the ghost dog during the Main Quest.
      • When the player disconnected while riding the gondola.
      • When player was downed as they grabbed the Magmagat from the fireplace.
      • While running the unfinished Magmagat across the map.
      • When the furthest player in the catwalk during the gauntlet event disconnected.
      • For the host during the final boss battle.
      • When a power-up was dropped.
      • When loading into Blood of the Dead.
    • Classified – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • Related to the UI at high rounds.
      • When the metal detector sounds played as the player walked through them.
      • When the player exited a teleporter.
      • When a player disconnected after being the first one to teleport into the Panic Room.
      • When a player disconnected while in a metal detector.
      • During a match of Classified Rush.
      • While the Mystery Box moved.
      • When placing the teleporter modifier while playing splitscreen with 3 or 4 players.
    • Voyage of Despair – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • When spawning enemies in the first round of the boss battle.
      • When reaching the first Stoker-spawning round with the Wonder Weapon quest disabled in Custom Mutations.
      • When using the Kraken upgrade table.
      • When the Flying Car takes damage during the Upgraded Shield Quest.
    • IX – Fixed crashes that could occur:
      • When special enemies spawned during certain parts of the Main Quest.
      • When helping other players complete their challenges.
      • When a player disconnected and their Blade Trap became deactivated.
    • Tutorial
      • Fixed a crash that could occur with Bots in the tutorial.
  • Gameplay
    • Global – Resolved issues where:
      • Text for XP earned from each challenge tier was missing from the After Action Report.
      • The player could be permanently stuck when grabbed by the Blightfather’s tongue.
      • Concoctions UI remained on screen when switching from the Laboratory to the Identity screen.
      • UI incorrectly indicated to the player that Prestige unlock tokens could be spent on permanently unlocking Custom Class slots.
      • If a Prestige Master player did not gain any XP during a match (by launching the game and immediately quitting, for example), the displayed ranks would be incorrect, the XP bar would be completely filled, and there would be no indication of how much XP was required until the next level.
    • Blood of the Dead
      • Resolved an issue where the Hell’s Retriever could not pick up a power-up when thrown at certain angles.
      • Fixed incorrect subtitles stating that the voice for obtaining power-ups is the Warden.
      • Closed an exploit in Michigan Avenue that allowed players to use the Ragnarok DG-5 to jump on the railing on the top floor.
      • Resolved a rare issue where players were unable to progress the New Industries Portal in the Main Quest, despite having a fully-drained ghost killed in the Blade Trap.
    • Classified
      • Closed an exploit in the War Room that allowed players to use the Ragnarok DG-5 to jump on a terminal.


  • Gameplay
    • Resolved an issue causing screen jittering when moving and changing attachments, or when moving and healing.
    • Bowie Knife now available in Equipment Stashes, as a random drop from killing Zombies, and as a randomized item spawn in Zombies-themed locations on PS4.


In addition to the global changes above, the following updates are coming to the game on PC later today:

Weapon Balance (Multiple Modes)

We strive to provide a similar experience between PC and console whenever possible, making platform specific changes when appropriate. In our last weapon balancing pass, we made critical SMG balance changes that were needed on console. These changes did not translate as well to PC, where mouse-and-keyboard players already saw success with SMG weapons. We’re rolling these changes back to best suit the needs of our PC community, and taking it a step even further for the Spitfire. The above changes to the Swordfish and ABR 223 also apply to PC.

  • Submachine Guns
    • Spitfire
      • Reduced damage within 9m range. (MP only)
      • Restored previous ADS move speed.
    • Cordite
      • Reduced damage within 3m range. (MP only)
      • Restored previous ADS move speed.
    • MX9
      • Reduced damage within 6m range. (MP only)
      • Restored previous ADS move speed.
    • GKS
      • Reduced damage within 3m range. (MP only)
      • Restored previous ADS move speed.


  • Gameplay
    • Tilde key (~) can now be assigned in the keybinds menu.
    • Removed the slight camera roll from head bobbing when sprinting.
    • Resolved multiple issues with the Gesture Wheel.
    • Updated the recommended NVIDIA driver version to 416.81.
  • Stability
    • Fixed a source of hitching when video memory is full.
    • Fixed a rare crash during the first seconds after the game window appears.


  • Resolved an issue where spawn selection would not be set to the Tac-Deploy by default when available.


  • Added an in-game UI indicator for when a Perk is being activated.
  • Resolved an issue where a Stash would close when dropping a weapon.



New Nuketown trailer released for Black Ops 4; Live tomorrow for PS4

New Nuketown trailer released for Black Ops 4; Live tomorrow for PS4 14

Treyarch will be releasing their signature map Nuketown for Black Ops 4 tomorrow. After teasing fans with Russian tweets a few times with various captions welcoming players back to the map, Treyarch finally released a full-fledged trailer showing off the map in snowy Russia.

Nuketown is one of the most popular maps in every single Call of Duty: Black Ops entry. The map is known for its claustrophobic environments and fast-paced gameplay. Black Ops 4 developer Treyarch has hinted that it’ll feature a winter theme and that it’ll take place in Russia with Russian language tweets. There was no solid confirmation about this nor enough screenshots to go around to actually confirm this speculation- until today.

Treyarch posted a new trailer to their official Call of Duty account and the trailer gives a nice collage of scenes showing off the new Nuketown map. I’d have guessed that the map would be slightly more evening-like from the screenshots, but it takes place in high noon from the trailer. There also seems to be a lot more solid objects with less imposing architecture than expected. But this makes for some fast-paced action given that the objects you can take cover behind are just basic shapes.

You can check out the trailer below:

The tiny map looks extremely hectic and the Russian setting only makes it more chaotic. A few Specialists are showcased in the trailer taking cover and firing in this Cold War setting. The pair of houses are also back and rendered with extreme quality this time around. We can also see a secret tunnel that you can drive your RC-DXs through for some sneak attacks. And there may be a way to launch the actual nuke in the center of the map- that’d be freakin’ awesome.

Nuketown is set to launch tomorrow for PlayStation owners, then a week later for Xbox One and PC players as part of Sony and Activision’s partnership.

Black Ops 4: November 6 update full details; 9-Bang removed, LMGs/SMGs buffed

Black Ops 4: November 6 update full details; 9-Bang removed, LMGs/SMGs buffed 15

The latest update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 was a major one. It adjusted for game settings in the Blackout mode to better balance out the game based on player and community feedback and technical analysis directly from Treyarch.

The update buffed SMGs by increasing the muzzle velocity for all weapons in the Submachine Gun class so they can pit against ARs more effectively. Treyarch states:

“This should provide more consistent gunfights when in SMG range, along with ensuring that SMGs perform as expected in their intended power band when compared to Assault Rifles in Blackout.”

No Assault Rifles received any buffs except the Rampart 17. The Auger DMR and Swordfish both also got improvements from the tactical Rifle category. The buffs were decent and should make them much more effective to fulfill their roles.

LMGs have also been buffed. Treyarch knows this class of weaponry has potential if used correctly, though it’s tricky to master.

They’ve buffed them to make them a little easier to use for players. Treyarch states that:

“While some players have found success with the LMGs in Blackout, they’re still being passed over by the large majority of players. These changes should help make LMGs more manageable when providing cover fire or engaging targets at range.”

The VKM750 and Titan now have increased recenter speed and reduced recenter pattern offsets. In other words, they have less recoil and improved accuracy. This buff was also applied to the Hades. The Titan has a more predictable recoil pattern too.

With these changes, LMGs may become more competitive against SMGs and ARs.

Regarding the news announcement hinted by Treyarch yesterday, the 9-Bang stun was removed from Blackout due to complaints from the community that it was just overpowered. So as of now, the 9-Bang is removed temporarily and the Concussion Grenade has been buffed to make up for the 9-Bang.

The ‘nade now has an increased throw distance and stacks to 2. Though it’s not nearly as powerful, it’ll suffice for the time being as Treyarch continues to work on balancing the game’s kit.

The game is still very new and has gone through multiple major updates already. They’re working hard to balance out their one and only battle royale mode to ever appear in a CoD game. Players have praised the mode so far even though it’s had a share of bugs and weapon balance issues. The game continues to sell and has broken records already in total sales.

Perhaps next update they’ll nerf the dogs, which have been shown to do some pretty deadly attacks.

The full patch notes for the November 6 Black Ops 4 update follows here:

Nov. 6 Update: Blackout Tuning, Blightfather Event, Chaos Character Missions, New MP Playlists, Black Market Progression

Following last week’s Multiplayer weapon tuning, we’ve introduced extensive new Blackout-specific tuning in today’s update, including various tweaks across several weapon classes, the removal of the 9-Bang from Blackout, and more. Read on for the full list of changes in the patch notes below.

For a limited time, the fearsome Blightfather has been transported from IXto haunt the Graveyard just south of the Asylum. Those of you who took him on during the Blackout Beta know he won’t go down without a fight – and the victors will be handsomely rewarded this time around. This event is now live in all Blackout playlists on all platforms, so keep an eye out for the red pillar of light for a chance to slay the Blightfather… or pick off those who dare try.

We’ve also unlocked the Blackout Character Missions for our Black Ops 4 Chaos Storyline crew and increased Character Mission quest item spawn rates, so get out there and complete those hidden challenges to drop in as Bruno, Diego, Scarlett, and Shaw.

In Multiplayer, new playlists have arrived in the Featured category, including the debut of Team Tactical Moshpit, Mercenary Chaos Moshpit, and Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit. Read below for all the details on these new playlists and let us know what you think. As a reminder, playlists will be rotating into the Featured category on a weekly basis, so keep an eye out for fresh new game types and the return of fan-favorites each week.

We’re also kicking off our first 2X Tier Boost Weekend in Multiplayer and Blackout starting on Friday, along with 2X Nebulium Plasma in Zombies on all platforms from 10AM PT Friday, Nov. 9 through 10AM PT Monday, Nov. 12! Players will earn Contraband Tier progression twice as fast during this event, and we’ve got new ways to boost your Contraband Tier progression coming very soon. Stay tuned.

For our Zombies players: game stability has remained our #1 priority, and while we’ve implemented additional crash fixes listed below in today’s update, we know we’ve still got more to deliver for the Zombies community. To that end, we will have more shortly from the Zombies team that will address current development, as well as how we’re prioritizing stability and gameplay improvements.

And now, onto what’s new in the game:

We’ve made the following updates to the game (Global) since Friday’s update:


Playlist Updates

  • Blightfather added to all playlists.
  • 100-Player Quads added to the Featured playlist.
  • Maximum players in Solo and Duos playlists changed to 88.

Character Missions

  • Zombies Chaos Storyline Character Missions now available (Bruno, Diego, Scarlett, and Shaw).
  • Increased drop rates of Character Mission items.

Weapons (Blackout Only)

  • Submachine Guns
    • Increased muzzle velocity on all SMGs. This should provide more consistent gunfights when in SMG range, along with ensuring that SMGs perform as expected in their intended power band when compared to Assault Rifles in Blackout.
    • Spitfire
      • Reduced recoil.
  • Assault Rifles
    • Rampart 17
      • Reduced ADS sway.
      • Reduced recoil.
  • Tactical Rifles
    • Auger DMR
      • Increased re-center speed. We slowed down the re-center due to high performance in our Blackout beta, but have seen the AUGER slightly underperform since release.
      • Slightly increased muzzle velocity. This should make for more predictable shots when firing at a moving target within the Auger’s intended ranges.
  • Swordfish
    • Tightened the spread pattern. This should allow more shots to land on target at range.
  • Light Machine Guns
    • While some players have found success with the LMGs in Blackout, they’re still being passed over by the large majority of players. These changes should help make LMGs more manageable when providing cover fire or engaging targets at range.
    • Titan
      • Increased re-center speed.
      • Reduced re-center pattern offsets for more predictable recoil.
    • VKM 750
      • Increased re-center speed.
      • Reduced re-center pattern offsets.
    • Hades
      • Increased re-center speed.
      • Reduced re-center pattern offsets.

Equipment (Blackout Only)

  • 9-Bang
    • Removed the 9-Bang from Blackout while we evaluate its place in the gameplay loop.
  • Concussion Grenade
    • Increased throw distance.
    • Increased stack count to 2.


  • Playlist Updates
    • Added Team Tactical Moshpit to Featured Playlist (3v3 TDM, Kill Confirmed, and Search & Destroy).
    • Added Mercenary Chaos Moshpit to Featured category (6v6 TDM, Domination, Kill Confirmed, and Hardpoint, no parties allowed).
    • Added Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit to Featured category (Hardcore TDM, Domination, and Kill Confirmed, no parties allowed).
    • Gun Game and Control now in Featured category.
  • Gameplay
    • Resolved an exploit in Search & Destroy where players could change classes after the start of a round to regain Scorestreak progress from the previous round before death.
    • Resolved an issue in Heist where navigating the Buy Menu with the d-pad could display the description for the previously highlighted item.
    • Resolved an issue where meleeing friendly Razor Wire in Hardcore game modes would damage players, potentially causing the player who placed the Razor Wire to be kicked for friendly fire.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Corrected the description for “Fast Reflexes” Challenge to inform players of requirement to get 5 EKIA in a game shortly after switching weapons with Dexterity, Overkill, and Laser Sight.


  • Stability
    • Resolved 2 specific crashes in the IX Main Quest.
    • Resolved a crash related to banner challenges in IX.
    • Resolved a crash that occurred when the Shield broke while the player had the Victorious Tortoise Perk active.
  • Gameplay
    • Resolved an issue where players could end up in a permanently downed state if they are revived as a self-revive is being completed.
    • Resolved an issue where picking up the Max Ammo power-up while Bandolier is active did not give additional ammo if the weapon was at its normal Max Ammo capacity.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Resolved UI issues caused by opening the Paintshop after personalizing a weapon in the Armory.
    • Resolved an issue where players could equip Talismans in Local Play.
    • Changed Aftertaste Elixir description to reflect its 5-minute duration.
    • Changed Arsenal Accelerator Elixir description to reflect its 2-minute duration.


  • Challenges
    • Resolved an issue where level-restricted Challenges could be locked again after Prestiging.

We’ve also made the following changes to PC since Friday’s update, in addition to the ones listed above:

  • General
    • Added Audio Presets to Options.
    • Resolved an issue where the rotation icon would appear when highlighting any items in the Black Market.
  • Zombies
    • Resolved an issue where players would be forcefully defeated when using the Fast Travel from Transverse Tunnel to reach the Cafeteria before opening its door in Blood of the Dead.
    • Resolved an issue where Warpaints could not be removed after being applied.

Jump in and let us know what you think of the new Blackout weapon tuning, Blightfather event, new MP playlists, and everything else that’s new in today’s update!

Viral Reddit video shows just how dangerous attack dogs are in Black Ops 4

Viral Reddit video shows just how dangerous attack dogs are in Black Ops 4 16

The most threatening enemy in BO4 so far isn’t another player- it’s the freakin’ attack dog.

This year, the holds aren’t a joke only appearing during a scorestreak, but rather can be called in by the Nomad specialist periodically throughout each match. The dogs can literally wipe out an enemy in a single bite and also have a ton of HP to back it up. Players have tried to hide from them rather than kill them. But that doesn’t work too well.

A video uploaded by Reddit user Meltron77 shows off just how dangerous these vicious attack dogs are in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. This user tried to hide in the balcony on the outer edge of Summit, but the only way up to the platform is the ladder, which would seem like a safe spot from any dogs, right? After all, dogs can’t climb ladders.

But, it seems like they don’t care whether there’s a ladder or not when you can jump. The dog walks around the platform and then jumped a huge feat on the platform to kill its prey with a small window for it to kill the dog before it could goal out and unleash its single bite of terror.

Though this is probably not intended to be programmed into the game, it’s still funny, and lethal, at the same time. This may be patched later on by Treyarch, as they’ve already been on a patching craze with not 1, 2, but 3 updates in a row. They’re doing some work alright.

The dog can jump huge distances, so be warned. Call of Duty fans should have to kill it rather than trying to run- because this video (which has already garnered tons of attention on Reddit with over 4.5K upvotes at the time of this writing) shows just how lethal the new attack dogs are this time around in the game.

Black Ops 4 is the latest entry into the long-running Call of Duty: Black Ops series and is the first game to not have a single-player campaign and debuts Blackout, which is CoD’s version of battle royale. The game is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You can pick up a copy on Amazon.

The game will also be a Doorbuster special from Target for $45 based on an early Black Friday ad they released.


This post contains affiliate links where barrelrolled may receive a small commission upon sales. (This helps us feed our writers the good brand of ramen noodles rather than the generic, store brand.)

Treyarch releases (another) update for Black Ops 4: Hitching, Blackout draws fixed

Treyarch releases (another) update for Black Ops 4: Hitching, Blackout draws fixed 17

Treyarch has announced yet another new update for BO4 today, November 1st.

With so many updates in a row, it’s like they’ve been working nonstop around the clock since the game was released just about 3 weeks ago on the 12th of October. The last major patch was on October 30 (V1.04), which was the largest update so far in its short history. There was also a minor update on Halloween that updated game settings for PC and enabled players to buy stuff with CoD Points on the Black Market.

Today, another update was released that focused on major issues that players have been facing. The full patch notes weren’t releasd this time around, but Treyarch posted a new tweet that annouced some major changes coming with today’s update. This is Treyarch’s third update for the game.

Xbox One players have been saying that Blackout was unplayable due to hitching issues. This update addresses those problems and allows them to play the game a little smoother so they can be the last man standing in Call of Duty’s version of battle royale.

Also, the bug that caused Blackout games to end in draws was fixed in this update- though this isn’t exclusive to Xbox One players. All versions had this bug and it’s now been corrected.

The full patch notes for the November 1 update will be posted when we get confirmation.

Halloween Black Ops 4 update: Game settings, PC bug fixes, and CoD Points

Halloween Black Ops 4 update: Game settings, PC bug fixes, and CoD Points 18

Treyarch has released a new game settings update for Black Ops 4 that includes some major changes to the Black Market and PC bug fixes. The V1.04 October 30th update that was released yesterday has a follow-up patch today. Treyarch released another round of updates to BO4 with this October 31 game settings update.

PlayStation 4 and PC players were targeted for this update with plenty of changes for players to get accustomed to. This update follows the big update that was received earlier for PS4 players that added CoD Points to the Black Market as redeemable currency.

Treyarch added Special Orders that brings even more cosmetic items to BO4. These orders can only be bought with CoD Points which allows players to stack each Black Market tier with rewards that can be unlocked at once.

The features are only available on PS4 as of now until a week later when they’ll debut for PC and Xbox One. The V1.04 patch was the biggest Black Ops 4 update so far in its short history, and this update is no competitor. It simply adds some game settings and additional bug fixes following the previous, major update.

Special Orders can be described as a rotating library of skins based on tiers. As Treyarch states:

Special Orders provide a new content stream to unlock in the Black Market with their own set of cosmetic items. With Special Orders, players can stack each tier with multiple items to unlock at once, allowing everyone to maximize item unlocks with two items per Tier at all times and up to three items per Tier when Special Events are live (like the Halloween event live right now!). Players can choose when to acquire and start progressing through Special Orders, and only one can be active at a time. Though Special Orders will rotate on a regular basis, they will stay in your inventory once acquired until they’re completed, and you can switch between active Special Orders at any time. Once a Special Order is activated, you’ll see the new content drop in starting on the Black Market Tier you’re currently on.

PC players will get a separate balancing patch as specific weapons perform differently on PC than consoles. This is still in the works and Treyarch hasn’t confirmed when this will drop.

Here are full patch notes for the October 31 (Halloween) update for Black Ops 4:

Happy Halloween from all of us here at Treyarch! Keep an eye on @Treyarch on Twitter today as we share some of our favorite Halloween-themed content from the Call of Duty community. Tag us with your spookiest cosplay, artwork, and clips showcasing your new Halloween Event cosmetics, and you might find yourself featured in front of millions of Black Ops fans. No pressure.

Today’s update brings new Black Market content for PS4 players with the introduction of Special Orders, plus a new bonus for Black Ops Pass owners on all platforms, a host of stability improvements on PC, and more. Read on below for the full list of updates.

COD Points are also now live on PS4, with availability on other platforms to follow next week. COD Points can be used to acquire additional Nebulium Plasma in Zombies, advance through cosmetic Black Market Tiers, and access new Special Orders in the Black Market. Note: COD Points availability will be rolling out globally throughout the day on PS4.

Special Orders provide a new content stream to unlock in the Black Market with their own set of cosmetic items. With Special Orders, players can stack each tier with multiple items to unlock at once, allowing everyone to maximize item unlocks with two items per Tier at all times and up to three items per Tier when Special Events are live (like the Halloween event live right now!). Players can choose when to acquire and start progressing through Special Orders, and only one can be active at a time. Though Special Orders will rotate on a regular basis, they will stay in your inventory once acquired until they’re completed, and you can switch between active Special Orders at any time. Once a Special Order is activated, you’ll see the new content drop in starting on the Black Market Tier you’re currently on.

Now, onto everything that’s new today:

We’ve made the following updates to the game today (Global):


  • Black Ops Pass owners now receive a one-time bonus of 1,000 COD Points and 300 Nebulium Plasma.
  • COD Points can now be used to advance Black Market Tiers, access Special Orders in the Black Market, and acquire Nebulium Plasma in Zombies on PS4 (other platforms to follow next week).
  • Special Orders now available in Black Market on PS4 (other platforms to follow next week).


  • Create-a-Class
    • Resolved an error associated with equipping a Signature Weapon, equipping an attachment, then re-equipping the same Signature Weapon.
    • Resolved an error associated with removing a Signature Weapon with any attachment equipped.


  • Full parties of 6 can now play in Chaos Domination.


  • Miscellaneous
    • Resolved an issue where Camos did not apply properly to weapons.
    • Resolved an issue where the incorrect Pack-a-Punch Camo was applied to a weapon with attachments equipped.

We’ve also made the following update specific to PC:

  • General
    • Incorporated changes detailed in yesterday’s console game update.
    • Enabled Timeline Editor in Theater.
    • Resolved an issue that triggered a UI error when editing an Emblem.
  • Stability Improvements
    • Resolved crashes during the first seconds after launching the game.
    • Resolved crashes when exiting the game.
    • Resolved crashes when dropping from a match.
    • Resolved crashes when changing the graphics settings.
    • Resolved crashes in the checkout page.
    • Resolved rendering issues with some special effects when playing with a wide FOV.
    • Resolved rendering issues with “missing” grass in Blackout.
  • Weapon Balancing
    • Additional PC-specific weapon balancing is in the works, as some weapons have performed differently in the PC meta compared to consoles. Please keep an eye on /u/TreyarchPC for full PC update details.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is the latest entry to the long-running Black Ops game series. The game is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, with PS4 getting content a week earlier due to a partnership between Sony and Activision. You can buy the action-packed title on Amazon here.


This post contains affiliate links where barrelrolled may receive a small commission upon sales. (This helps us feed our writers the good brand of ramen noodles rather than the store brand.)

Call of Duty Points (CoD Points) now live on PS4 – Here’s what you can buy

Call of Duty Points (CoD Points) now live on PS4 - Here's what you can buy 19

Call of Duty Points (CoD Points) are now live in Black Ops 4. They can be purchased using in-game interface or via the PlayStation 4 Store. The currency is currently only available on the PS4 and will debut on the Xbox One and PC later on November 7th due to the 7-day exclusivity agreement Sony has with Activision.

CoD points can be used to purchase Special Orders or buying tiers of in-game events like Operation: First Strike. They can be used in two ways at the moment and will likely expand to fulfill other purchases later on. There are currently two Special Orders on the Black Market, which are Bombero (800 CP) and Covert (500CP). They include a series of cosmetic items like skins for weapons and outfits.

Call of Duty Points (CoD Points) now live on PS4 - Here's what you can buy 20

Special Orders are just temporarily in the Black Market and will be on rotation to be replaced with others, so act fast if you’re interested in getting the rewards. Players can also use their CoD Points to buy tiers in Operation: First Strike to unlock was offered in higher tiers sooner rather than griding out the hours.

Each tier costs 100CP and all tiers must be bought in order. Players must buy all of the locked tiers that come before each tier, so the cost will increase exponentially. Tier 200 from Tier 1 costs 20K CoD Points.

The max tier of the First Strike is 200, and additional tiers will show afterward. Players need to work their way up the tiers to unlock the “hidden” tiers- up to 250 with 25 at a time.

Players can buy CP with real-life cash in-game or via PS Store. All CP leftover from the previous Call of Duty games can be transferred to BO4 and all players who bought the Blacks Ops Pass will get 1000 CP with 300 Nebulium Plasma. Players who bought the Digital Standard Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition, Digital Deluxe Enhanced, Pro Edition, or Mystery Box Edition will get their extra CP in-game with various amounts.

Treyarch is a little late with the CP going live– but better late than never.

Version 1.04 now live for Black Ops 4 on consoles; PC update tomorrow

Version 1.04 now live for Black Ops 4 on consoles; PC update tomorrow 21

Treyarch stated that they’ll be releasing a major update about a week ago following the last major update for Black Ops 4, which took place on October 24th. No date was specified, but it appears that the BO4 update went live today, October 30th, on consoles.

Update 1.04 went live on Xbox One and PS4 today with Treyarch confirming on their official Twitter account that the PC won’t go live until Halloween- October 31st.

The Xbox version weighs just 12.36GB and the PS4 version is about 11GB. Version 1.04 is a pretty big update and many changes have been added to the game (which you can view below).

The most notable change to the game was weapons balancing with ARs gettings nerfs and SMGs gettings buffs to even out the game’s weaponry. Other changes include weapon attachments, specialists, gear, and perks with various items getting buffs and nerfs to balance the game.

Blackout and Zombies both got minor changes to balance out the gameplay. This is the largest update to date so far for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

Blacks Ops 4 V1.04 Patch Notes


  • Playlist Updates
    • Featured Playlists
      • “Gun Game” playlist added to Featured Playlist (no parties allowed).
      • “Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit” playlist added to the Featured Category (TDM and Kill Confirmed, no parties allowed).
      • “Chaos Domination” playlist to Featured Category (3-second captures, 150-point rounds, 6v6).
    • Hardcore TDM / Hardcore Kill Confirmed
      • Player count increased to 6v6.
      • 2 Specialist limit per team.
  • Assault Rifles
    • We’re dialing back some previous buffs to Assault Rifles to help close the gap in effectiveness between ARs and SMGs, allowing SMGs to be more effective at firing on the move.
    • Slight reduction to ADS move speed for all Assault Rifles.
    • Slight reduction to ADS-in transition speed for all Assault Rifles.
    • ICR-7
      • Reduced headshot damage.
      • Slight reduction to reload speed.
    • VAPR-XKG
      • Reduced close-range headshot damage.
      • Damage now falls off sooner.
      • High Caliber: Reduced headshot multiplier, eliminating the possibility of a 3-hit kill.
  • Submachine Guns
    • Mobility is the primary strength of SMGs, speeding across the map to engage or disengage quickly. Some of the close-range SMGs were performing quite well, while others struggled to compete with the rest of the category. This week’s balancing pass levels the playing field between SMGs.
    • MX9
      • Extended all damage ranges.
      • High Caliber: Reduced headshot multiplier, eliminating the possibility of a 4-hit kill.
    • Cordite
      • Extended all damage ranges.
      • Belt-Feed Operator Mod: Increased overheat rate.
    • GKS
      • Quad Shot Operator Mod: Slight time increase in between bursts.
    • Saug 9mm
      • Dual Wield Operator Mod: Reduced hip-fire accuracy.
  • Tactical Rifles
    • We’ve buffed the ABR to be more competitive with the other Tactical Rifles, while stepping down its Operator Mod to keep it from becoming a crutch Attachment. The Swordfish received some Attachment adjustments, as well.
    • ABR 223
      • Extended maximum damage range.
      • Repeater Operator Mod: Now takes longer to accelerate fire rate.
      • Stock: Slight reduction in movement speed bonus.
      • Laser Sight & Laser Sight II: Improved hip-fire accuracy.
    • Swordfish
      • High Caliber: Reduced headshot multiplier, eliminating the possibility of a 3-hit kill.
      • Penta Burst Operator Mod: Reduced extra granted clip-size.
  • Sniper Rifles
    • The other Sniper Rifles needed help to fight King Paladin. We’re giving these rifles reduced idle sway and upping their damage to help finish off wounded targets more consistently.
    • Removed turn sway when aiming down sights on all Sniper Rifles to better ensure the weapon reticle stays centered when turning.
    • Paladin HB50
      • High Caliber II: Hitting the lower torso on a full Tak-5-boosted enemy will no longer be a 1-hit kill.
      • FMJ II: Improved damage against Scorestreaks.
      • Stabilizer II: Player can now hold breath sooner after the previous hold breath.
    • Outlaw
      • Improved base damage from 110 to 130.
      • Reduced idle sway.
      • Increased base movement speed.
      • Stock: Slight increase in ADS movement speed bonus.
    • SDM
      • Increased clip size from 10 to 12.
      • Reduced idle sway.
    • Koshka
      • Improved Damage from 120 to 140.
      • Stock: Slight increase in ADS movement speed bonus.
  • Light Machine Guns
    • Some in the community have discovered that the Titan and VKM 750 are extremely effective weapons! We’re toning them down before everyone jumps on the bandwagon. While they’ll still be scary to face off against, players will now have a more reasonable chance to defend themselves against these LMGs.
    • Titan
      • Reduced headshot damage.
      • Reduced hip-fire accuracy.
      • Stock: Reduced ADS movement speed bonus.
    • VKM 750
      • Reduced movement speed while firing.
      • Reduced damage slightly.
      • Fat Barrel Operator Mod: Reduced bullet tracer size.
    • Hades
      • Cross Bar Operator Mod: Reduced movement speed and accuracy.
      • Steady Grip: Improved recoil mitigation.
  • Pistols
    • Slight reduction to ADS-in transition speed for all Pistols.
    • RK 7 Garrison
      • Slight increase to the time between bursts.
      • Slight reduction to reload speed.
  • Shotguns
    • This weapon class is close to where we want it, with only a couple of specific Attachments performing better than intended. Shotguns in Black Ops 4 play a different role than in past Call of Duty titles, and those who have practiced cat-and-mouse gameplay can be highly effective with them.
    • MOG 12
      • Choked Barrel: 1-hit-kill range reduced.
      • Dragon’s Breath Operator Mod: Resolved an issue where the Dragon’s Breath occasionally triggered incorrect visual and sound FX on targets.
    • SG12
      • Strobe Light Operator Mod: Addressed an issue with the Strobe Light where it would remain on after death.
      • Live update coming soon to reduce the range at which the Strobe Light interferes with enemy aim.
  • Attachments (All Weapons)
    • Grip II
      • Reduced ADS flinch mitigation.
    • Suppressor
      • Reduced damage falloff ranges.
    • Holographic Sight Optic
      • Reduced ADS recoil.
    • Dual Zoom Optic
      • Reduced ADS recoil.
    • Recon Optic
      • Reduced ADS recoil.
    • ELO Optic
      • Slightly increased ADS recoil.
  • Specialists
    • Ajax
      • We’re providing more strategic options to counteract Ballistic Shield, and to help ensure the Shield isn’t activated too often in the same game.
      • Explosives now apply partial damage to the front of a deployed Ballistic Shield user.
      • Ballistic Shield now takes longer to earn.
    • Nomad
      • We want to encourage Nomad to work more closely with his K9-Unit to maximize effectiveness.
      • Reduced K9-Unit health by 10%.
    • Crash
      • While we’re happy that our Support Specialist is so popular, he was a bit too effective as a Scorestreak farmer.
      • Reduced “Teammate Used Pack” score event from +50 to +25.
    • Firebreak
      • Purifier has been restored to its former glory.
      • Increased Purifier flame damage to be a guaranteed eventual kill against a player who doesn’t have Tactical Mask equipped.
    • Recon
      • Intelligence wins wars, and Recon is living proof. We have intelligence that Recon’s intelligence is too good, so we’re re-classifying some of his sources.
      • Reduced Sensor Dart duration.
      • Resolved an issue where voiceover would incorrectly state that the player’s Sensor Dart was destroyed.
    • Torque
      • Many in the community have embraced Torque with inventive playstyles, though he’s still struggling on a broader scale. We bolstered the effectiveness of his Barricade to ensure he stays relevant in team compositions.
      • Increased earn rate for Barricade.
      • Increased hit points for Barricade.
      • Addressed an issue that prevented TAACOM from telling the player that their Barricade was taking damage.
    • Prophet
      • Prophet’s Tempest needed an upgrade to stand a chance of competing with the rest of the Specialists.
      • Greatly increased Tempest projectile speed.
      • Slightly increased Tempest chain distance.
      • Resolved an issue where being hit by an explosive charge would disable the Tempest charge, preventing further arcing.
  • Spawns
    • Team Deathmatch
      • Tuned spawn logic around how enemies impact where the game chooses to respawn the player.
      • Spawn adjustments made for Slums, Summit, Militia, and Firing Range.
    • Domination
      • Spawn adjustments made for Icebreaker, Contraband, Hacienda, Payload, Gridlock, Slums, Summit, Militia, Jungle, and Firing Range.
    • Hardpoint
      • Tuned spawn logic tuning around how the active Hardpoint affects nearby spawns. This should provide more predictable spawns when battling over an active Hardpoint.
      • Additional global spawn adjustments to improve the ability for a player to anchor a location for their team’s respawns relative to an active Hardpoint.
      • Spawn adjustments made for Frequency and Seaside.
    • Free For All
      • Spawn adjustments made for Slums, Summit, Militia, and Firing Range.
    • Control
      • Spawn adjustments made for Slums, Summit, Militia, and Firing Range.
  • Gear
    • Stim Shot
      • Increased time to fully heal the player.
    • Armor
      • Resolved an issue where Armor protected from more damage than intended when hitting areas of the body that have damage multipliers, such as the head or upper chest. This primarily affects weapons with chest modifiers, such as Sniper Rifles or weapons with High Caliber II.
    • Acoustic Sensor
      • Reduced the range at which sprinting enemies are detected.
  • Perks
    • Dead Silence
      • Reduced player movement volume and distance that players equipped with Dead Silence can be heard by enemies. The intention for Dead Silence is not to be completely silent, but also not to allow enemies to hear your movement from longer distances.
    • Engineer
      • Extraction helicopter in Heist will no longer be highlighted by the Engineer Perk.
  • Scorestreaks
    • Mantis
      • Resolved an issue where the Mantis could be destroyed by touching the Out-Of-Bounds area of a map.
    • Dart
      • Increased explosion radius and damage.
      • Players can now use a second Dart when earning two Dart Scorestreaks.
    • Strike Team
      • Prevented Strike Team kills from contributing towards owner’s kills without dying medals.
  • Gameplay
    • Reduced ranges required for Longshot Medals for Assault Rifles, Tactical Rifles, Submachine guns, and Light Machine Guns.
    • Resolved an issue where the “Hard Stop” Challenge could reset before reaching 300.
    • Resolved an issue where the “Marksman Mastery” Challenge would not give 10,000 XP upon completion.
    • Resolved an issue where destroying friendly Scorestreaks would award score.
    • Players can no longer crouch or go prone while performing a Gesture.
  • Game Modes
    • Increased XP earn rate in Heist.
    • Increased amount of XP earned per kill in Free For All.
    • Resolved an issue where Hardcore wins were not counted toward Challenges.
    • Resolved an issue in Free For All where Recon players could receive Vision Pulse assist score.
    • Silent Plant option in Custom Games should now make planting and defusing bombs completely silent.
  • Maps
    • Icebreaker
      • Adjusted cover pieces to discourage players from spawn-camping.
      • Added cover to the lower respawn side.
    • Slums
      • Adjusted cover pieces to discourage players from spawn-camping.
    • Miscellaneous
      • Several map fixes to address exploits that allowed players to leave the intended play space.
  • Theater
    • Theater files recorded before this update will no longer be viewable due to significant architectural changes to the system. As noted in our previous major update, we will make every effort to keep instances of incompatibility to a minimum.
    • Added a watermark in the HUD that only displays when in Theater mode.
      • Why this change? We often see players posting videos recorded from Theater as a demonstration of “poor hit detection” or other issues that appear to be incorrect. While Theater represents what happened in a match in a general sense, it does not reflect with 100% accuracy all of the details as they were experienced live. Live recorded gameplay footage is the more accurate method for reporting behavior in the game that is not performing as expected. With this change, we can better identify Theater clips when reviewing community videos and therefore filter them out for the more accurate live recorded clips.
  • Audio
    • Resolved issues that caused footsteps to sound muffled when they shouldn’t be.


  • Playlists
    • 100-Player Solos added to Featured playlist.
    • Maximum player count set to 88 for Duos and Quads.
  • Audio
    • Tweaked settings to ensure friendly teammates’ footsteps are now quieter than enemy footsteps.
    • Adjusted footsteps for all Armor types in first-person and third-person to give better directionality and distance information.
    • Resolved an issue that occasionally caused footsteps to be silent.
    • Resolved issues that caused footsteps to become muffled when they shouldn’t be.
  • Armor
    • Armor now allows more damage to pass through to areas of the body that have damage multipliers, such as the head or upper chest. For example, headshots now do more damage against Level 3 Armor.
  • Character Missions
    • Unlocked remaining Specialist Character Missions (Battery, Firebreak, Nomad, Prophet, Ruin, Seraph)
  • “Item Found” Notifications
    • To tag an item for your teammate, approach the Item and select the bottom center command on your Command Wheel. This will display the Item in text on your team’s HUD and highlight the item in the world for your team.
    • Increased the brightness of Items when a teammate tags them as “Item Found” via the Command Wheel.
    • Increased duration that Items tagged using “Item Found” are displayed in the world to your team.
  • Calling Cards and Challenges
    • Resolved an issue where completing Dark Ops Challenges would not unlock their associated Calling Card.
    • Resolved an issue where certain Challenges rewarded the same Calling Card.
  • UI
    • Resolved an issue where the Altimeter could disappear during Infiltration.
    • Resolved an issue where incorrect Inventory items could be shown while spectating another player.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Resolved an issue that allowed players to shoot through certain rocks.
    • Improved visual quality of the grass.
    • Resolved an issue where the After Action Report would show double damage when in Squads.
    • Resolved an issue where Echelon Ranking wasn’t showing properly at Max Rank.


  • Gameplay
    • Increased XP earn rate for Hardcore and Realistic difficulties.
  • Blood of the Dead
    • Addressed an issue where the New Industries portal ghost remained visible from the start of the step.
    • Fixed lever animation on the Power House ghoul in the Main Easter Egg Quest.
  • IX
    • Resolved an issue where players could be tossed outside the intended play space of the Boss Battle Arena.
    • Resolved an issue where earning Mule Kick could take away all player weapons and money.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Resolved an issue preventing players from applying their Clan Tag or using the Kill Counter after weapon Prestige.
    • Resolved an issue where the SG12 lost all attachments when Pack-A-Punched.
    • Fixed multiple exploit spots in the maps.
    • Fixed several stability issues associated with entering and exiting the Alchemy Lab at specific times.
    • Earning additional Perks will now be displayed on the player’s HUD.
    • Resolved issues with Prestige Master not functioning correctly.
    • Resolved several issues with Custom Mutation options not working correctly.
    • Resolved an issue where the wrong Camo could be displayed on a weapon.
    • Resolved an issue where players were not getting revived when the DG-5 Power Plant ability had been enabled.
    • Resolved several instances of Anywhere But Here not working when activated on a moving platform, like the gondola in Blood of the Dead.
    • Fixed an exploit where players could keep their Special Weapon out indefinitely.


  • Social
    • Players can now invite players who are online, but not in the game, to their in-game party.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Resolved an issue where particular weapon Camos would overlap weapon Optics.
    • Resolved multiple issues with Paintjobs not showing up in-game.
    • Resolved an issue where your Gun Rack would show up when inspecting other players.
    • Resolved an issue where Emblems for other players would appear in lower resolution than expected in the Social menu.
    • General stability fixes and performance improvements across Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies.

Treyarch speeds up tier progression in The Black Market; Raises server tick rate to 30hz

Treyarch speeds up tier progression in The Black Market; Raises server tick rate to 30hz 22

Treyarch has released a new update to Black Ops 4′s new progression system to make it easier to level up for players. The Black Market allows players to unlock emotes, sprays, skins, and battle through 200 tiers of leveling. This system is currently only available on the PlayStation 4 and is limited time, so Treyarch has decided to basically increase the level curve.

Progression is mainly based on time played rather than performance, so just by playing the game will unlock you the goodies even if you’re a total beginner (read: noob) to Call of Duty games. However, players have been complaining that the progression system has been way too slow.

The game would take about 400 hours out of your life in order to unlock all 200 tiers and the first wave of this system lasts just 52 days. This would mean you’d have to play BO4 a full 8 hours a day- every day. That’s about 22 games per day.

Treyarch said that the earn rate for unlocking the tiers “did not perform as we intended” and they’ve updated the leveling rate to make it faster. Though the final speed isn’t confirmed yet across all modes, they said they’ll adjust it as needed. They’ll also be adding ways to accelerate the progression via event and challenge-based tier skips in the near future. Players have reported that the system is working a lot better now and seems more rewarding.

Treyarch has also recently lowered the server tick rate to 20hz from 60hz in the beta test. Then they increased it to 30hz just a few days ago. Wha this means is that players will get a more responsive game experience. A higher tick rate creates a faster signal sent to the server from the player, which means “faster” server reactions every second. Treyarch states:

“We are carefully monitoring overall performance to ensure that these updates are working as expected before completing the next phase of updates.”

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Get a free Pack-a-Punch weapon

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Get a free Pack-a-Punch weapon 23

Black Ops 4‘s Pack-a-Punch weapons are pretty much necessary for reaching the higher rounds of Zombies. In Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, the Zombies in the later waves show no mercy and any player who’s experienced it firsthand will tell you stories. Pack-a-Punch weapons are a necessity later on but are rather difficult for players who are just starting to play Zombies.

The IX Zombies map has a secret trick that anyone can perform to give you a Pack-a-Punch weapon as soon as Round 3 and it doesn’t require the Pack-a-Punch machine.

Here’s how to get a Pack-a-Punch weapon:

First, you’ll need to launch into a game of Zombies on the IX map. Use filters to find a game suitable.

Then, you’ll need to unlock your banner. Do this by walking over to the rolled up banners immediately when you spawn. They’re to your left.

Melee the rope holding the banner and it’ll unroll. You’ll then be presented with a new challenge. The challenge will be a random one, but pretty easy such as killing zombies with grenades or using your specialist weapon.

When you’re done, go to the altar in the middle of the map and you’ll get an extra life. Then a second challenge will activate. Complete it also.

Then, repeat the process again and you’ll be presented with a free Pack-a-Punch weapon. Complete the third challenge and go back to the middle of the arena and a Strife will be waiting for you. The upgraded Strife will have full auto and special damage to be used as a backup weapon in later rounds.

The nice thing about this backup is that you’ll be able to take down more zombies with ease.

Here’s a video that demonstrates how to get a free Pack-a-Punch weapon in detail by Zombie player GregFPS:

Treyarch releases hotfix after first major BO4 update; Patches loot bug

Treyarch releases hotfix after first major BO4 update; Patches loot bug 24

Treyarch has announced a new update on top of yesterday’s first major patch. A bugfix patch was confirmed for BO4’s special Blackout Halloween event. The event is now available to all PS4 users and is accessible via the Black Market. Seasonal gear is present which may be used across all modes- not just limited to the game’s blockbuster Blackout mode.

Developer Treyarch has also made a new Halloween Calling event for Zombies mode. The special event includes a new bunch of challenges in Zombies, which allows players to earn special rewards by completing them. The event will last the same duration across both PS4 and Xbox One and PC.

There’s been a host of bug fixes to the new patch, which includes the infamous bug where players couldn’t loot an enemy if their backpack was a full capacity.

You can read the full list of bug fixes for latest Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 patch as follows:

  • Blackout
    • Death Stashes
      • Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to loot items from a Death Stash.
  • Multiplayer
    • General
      • Addressed an issue that prevented players from earning Contraband Tier progress.
      • Addressed an issue that prevented players from earning the proper amount of Contraband Tier progress in round-based games.
      • Addressed an issue with some MP matches ending in “Game Session No Longer Available”.
      • General stability improvements in the Black Market.
    • Create-a-Class
      • Addressed an issue with Attachments applying to the GKS.
    • Special Issue Equipment
      • Resolved an exploit that led to unlimited Seeker shock mines.

Call of Duty: Blacks Ops 4 will get its first major patch today

Call of Duty: Blacks Ops 4 will get its first major patch today 25

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will be getting its major update today, when it’s just one week after its very successful release that shattered Activision’s day one sales records. After a launch like that and continued community feedback, Treyarch will be scheduling a new update today with some changes to the hottest game on the market right now.

The game sold more than $500M in just three days on the market, which made it the best-selling game on launch in Activision’s history.

Treyarch announced on Twitter that they’ll stabilize, remove, and change some aspects and features across all game modes on BO4. There will also be a special double XP weekend, starting today to celebrate the game’s first week. The specific modes where this event takes place is still yet to be announced. Zombies mode should use the double Neulium Plasma to their benefit so they can buy extra Elixirs.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. We’ll cover the updates to the game after the first major update. See you post-patch!


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 still has no sign of COD points from Treyarch

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 still has no sign of COD points from Treyarch 26

Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has been a massive success. The game sold more copies on day one release in Activision’s entire history. And the game is being fine-tuned with player feedback via social accounts.

The next thing players seem to be waiting for them is the ability to use their COD points (Call of Duty points) to make in-game purchases. They can buy a variety of products each giving them some unique way to stand out.

Players have been using COD points as premium currency for a year now and expect that each release of the game will allow them to buy COD points for cosmetics, weapon skins, and some unique weapons.

But in BO4, there hasn’t been any mention of COD points, even though the currency was part of the game’s pre-order specials. The special editions of the game that cost over $100 promise a large sum of COD points on launch. But players were reporting that their premium points were nowhere to be found. And right now, players can’t even check how many points they have.

Treyarch still hasn’t said anything about when players will get access, so players still aren’t sure exactly what they can buy with $100. The game has no signal of microtransactions so far, with Blackout. Zombies mode has some microtransaction details, but not much. There’s a place where you can buy Concoctions with currency earned through matches- and only this way, but other than that, there’s no mention of COD points right now.

We’ll have to see what Treyarch has planned.

KARNAGE shows off Diamond camo in BO4; Treyarch praised

KARNAGE shows off Diamond camo in BO4; Treyarch praised 27

The Diamond camo in BO4 is pure awesome. Treyarch has gone to new heights with the camo by adding a new color-changing effect for every five kills you get without getting killed yourself. The camo turns to various shades of blue, red, and green.

But when you get a color change seven times during a single match, the Diamond camo starts becoming animated into a rainbow effect. This was discovered by KARNAGE, a clan on Black Ops 4.

Here, they show off a Tactical Rifle called the Swordfish:

To get the Diamond camo, you have to land 100 headshots with a weapon to get the basic set, then you’ll unlock the next set. Once all the challenges are unlocked for a set, you’ll get the Gold camo for that weapon. Once you earn the Gold camo for every weapon, you’ll get the legendary Diamond camo for all weapons in that glass.

However, there’s one last camo you can get once you unlock- assuming you can get Diamond for every weapon class. The camo’s called Dark Matter, and this one’s only for the most dedicated players. You can guess how you’ll look just from the name. Do you have a Dark Matter camo already? Let us know in the comments!

CoD: Black Ops 4’s split screen mode is awesome; Works for Blackout and Zombies

CoD: Black Ops 4's split screen mode is awesome; Works for Blackout and Zombies 28

Split screen mode has long been a lost art ever since the good old days of N64 gaming with 4 players on a single TV. Most games nowadays don’t have split screen support and require that you and your friend both have their own copy of the game, a TV, and a console.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has split screen, and players are excited over this feature. It’s like a blast from the past. To play with a friend on the same console is awesome. And to play the new CoD is even better.

You’ll both need a PSN or Xbox Gold subscription. You’ll have to log in to each one after selecting the split screen option from the menus. Then you both need to log in to the same lobby together and bam- you’re playing CoD: Black Ops 4 in split screen.

This feature is obviously well-appreciated, as a post on Reddit garnered more than 2K upvotes just talking about how awesome to see something like this in a modern game should be done a lot more often.

Blackout allows split screen multiplayer and is the first ever battle royale game to offer this feature. Zombies also supports split-screen multiplayer also, which is a nice return as it wasn’t available on the Xbox 360 or PS3.

Split screen is available for both Xbox One and PS4, but not on PC yet, which makes sense. If you’re going to play together, you do it on a couch. On a TV. Split screen PC is a whole ‘nother world that’s just not as popular as getting together on a console.

Image: Reddit