ARK’s Evolution Event is now live (2x taming, harvesting, and XP)

ARK's Evolution Event is now live (2x taming, harvesting, and XP) 1

ARK: Survival Evolved will be having its usual Evolution Event this weekend. The event will run from now until 9/16. As of this writing, there’s currently 2 days and 19 hours remaining. The weekend event allows all players on the Official ARK Network to loot extra goodies. This time, players will get 2x taming, 2x … Read more

Torchlight II coming to PS4, Xbox One, and Switch with exclusive content

Torchlight II coming to PS4, Xbox One, and Switch with exclusive content 5

Torchlight II will be coming to consoles on September 3. The game was originally released back in 2012 and was a smash hit. Runic Games hasn’t done much with the series since then (i.e. nothing) since they were focusing on Hob for 2017. Panic Button and Runic will be paired to bring Torchlight II to … Read more

Steal double experience on Apex Legends this weekend

apex legends double XP

Apex Legends will be having a double XP weekend right before E3 2019. Their official Twitter account made the news earlier today. Players can earn double XP and Battle Pass progression over the weekend. The event ends on Monday, so you can grab double experience all weekend on Apex Legends. They’ll also have a special … Read more

They Are Billions coming to PS4 and Xbox One, works “comfortably” with a controller, says Blitworks

They Are Billions for consoles? Yes.

They Are Billions is coming to console next month. The zombie RTS game will be ported over to PS4 and Xbox One. The port will be done by Blitworks, who has also worked on games like Super Meat Boy, Bastion, and Spelunky. The announcement trailer for the port to consoles has been released, and you … Read more

Bug Fables brings back Paper Mario, new trailer, release date

Bug Fables brings back Paper Mario.

The upcoming game Bug Fables is like old-school Paper Mario- you know, the good ones. The folks over at Moonsprout Games will be creating a game called Bug Fables, and they just released the trailer for the game. So far, this is almost like Paper Mario in another dimension or something. It seems to bring … Read more

Star Ocean: First Departure R remake confirmed by Square Enix

Star Ocean: First Departure R will be coming to the PS4 and Switch in HD.

Square Enix has announced and confirmed a remake of Star Ocean: First Departure R. This remake will be coming to the Nintendo Switch and PS4. The game will a complete remake with an HD recreation of First Departure R. Developed by tri-Ace and published by Square, this game was released back on the Famicom in … Read more

Bubsy: Paws on Fire releases next week on PC, PS4, delayed on Switch

Bubsy will come out next week on PC and PS4, but delayed on the Switch.

Bubsy’s making a comeback on the Nintendo Switch this summer- but it’s been delayed. Everyone’s favorite mascot will be making an appearance again on his next game- Bubsy: Paws on Fire. The game was scheduled to launch on PC, PS4, and the Switch on May 16 this year, but then Accolade and Choice Provisions have … Read more

Castle Crashers coming to the PS4

Castle Crashers is coming to the PS4, as The Behemoth teased this week for the Switch.

Castle Crashers is coming to the PS4, as The Behemoth teased this week for the Switch. Now, there’s been confirmation that the arcade classic is coming to PS4 also based on a tweet from them. We’ll likely hear the confirmation from the horse’s mouth out this Tuesday. The tweet received over 2.5K likes at the time of this writing. … Read more

Realm Royale public beta on PS4/Xbox One; Hi-Rez wants to resurrect game

Realm Royale public beta on PS4/Xbox One; Hi-Rez wants to resurrect game 6

Hi-Rez Studios is finally making the Realm Royale beta on consoles public. Now anyone can get a taste of the battle royale that’s completely free to play. While a lot of folks will easily mark this off as another cheap Fortnite clone, the game does have some addicting gameplay to it and makes a decent alternative to … Read more

Media Molecule announces Dreams livestream; Public beta release date “later this year”

Media Molecule announces Dreams livestream; Public beta release date "later this year" 9

Media Molecule, the company behind their upcoming project Dreams, has since faded behind the veils of “we’re working on something but we can’t tell you anything about it until we’re ready.” Besides the recent release of their Dreams recreation of a level in Little Big Planet, there hasn’t been much news about them. In fact, I already forgot about them until their “demo” came out to show off what their latest project is capable of.

They’ve announced that their Dreams game would get a public beta, but we haven’t heard anything in regards to when. It was originally dated back for 2016 and now it’s nearly 2019, and still no beta.

But in a post on their page (a very recent one), Media Molecule basically reaffirmed that the Dreams beta is still scheduled to roll out before 2018 is over. There will be a new upcoming stream for Dreams that’ll take place on November 28, with one of Media Molecule’s members creating a world that players can access during the beta that will occur later this year.

Media Molecule says that they won’t tell when the beta will launch during the stream, so if you’re one of the fans that have been waiting for the past 3 years, don’t hold your breath. You’ll be able to see the game in action during the stream (probably), but you won’t be able to play it until later when the beta rolls out. With only about a month left in 2018, you’ll get your hands on it soon enough on your PS4.

Dreams is scheduled to release (the full game) sometime in 2019 exclusively on the PS4. Stay tuned for updates regarding the beta test date.

Subnautica confirmed for PS4; Xbox One gets a full release (V1.0)

Subnautica confirmed for PS4; Xbox One gets a full release (V1.0) 10

Subnautica has been confirmed for the PS4 and the release date has been announced in a news post on the game’s official page. While PC and Xbox One owners can already experience this amazing title, PS4 players have been shut out- until now.

Subnautica has garnered plenty of media attention and received positive praise for its gameplay, which is mainly an underwater survival game. The game has players finding themselves in an alien world after escaping from a sinking ship with an escape pod.

Players then have to explore, collect, build, and attempt to get rescued with the game’s storyline. The game is a survival game at its core with a basic storyline that tells the lore of the game and is mostly communicated via radio transmissions.

Although the game isn’t an endless exploration title, it sure does feel like it when you’re playing it for the first time. As you wander farther from your pod, you’ll start to encounter some deep underwater caves and creatures that lurk where light can’t even shine. You’ll have to build up the tech tree in order to explore dangerous areas.

Subnautica has been received plenty of positive feedback for being a game that’ll immerse you into its world and is plenty scary with its creatures- even though it’s not regarded as a horror game. There have been many content updates from the developer (for free) Unknown Worlds Entertainment based on community feedback.

The game is currently only available for PC, but PlayStation owners will be able to snag a copy of Subnautica next month on December 4, 2018. Developer Unknown Words Entertainment said they plan for this release date given that no delays take place:

“We’re very confident we will hit December 4th, but we can never be 100% sure of any date, ever. Game development is a wild ride. Unexpected issues could still cause a last minute delay. If something happens, we will keep you updated.”

Subnautica for PS4 will be available digitally on the PS Store and on physical disks for collectors. North American players should see discs in major retailers on the release date. European players will have to wait for just a tad for the physical disc to be released on December 7, 2018.

The game will also get the much-anticipated Below Zero standalone expansion at a later date for the PC. As for the Xbox One and PS4, it’s currently unconfirmed whether or not the expansion will be rolling out on the platform.

Subnautica is currently released as a full game for PC and in early access for Xbox One. The PS4 and Xbox One will both be getting a physical disc or digital download on the same date- December 4, 2018. Xbox One owners will get a full update to the full 1.0 release on launch day. PS4 owners will get the complete game.

The developer is also “super excited” about this upcoming console game release for PS4:

“This is going to be Unknown World’s first console release. We are traditionally a PC game developer. So we are super nervous, and super excited. We are thankful to Panic Button & Gearbox Publishing for working with us to bring Subnautica to PlayStation.”

PS4 players can now get immersed in the horrifying, yet beautiful experience that is underwater with Subnautica. If you haven’t played the game before and want to check out some more details, you can head over to Steam. The game retails for $24.99 at the time of this writing. Xbox One owners can get it on the Microsoft Store for the same MSRP. PS4 players will likely pay the same price (or get a steep discount on launch, as the dev is known to do).

Here’s the official post from Unknown Worlds:

“The wait is nearly over. Subnautica is coming to PlayStation 4 on December 4th, 2018. You will be able to buy Subnautica digitally or on a physical disk. If you are in Europe, physical disk sales will start three days later, on December 7th.

Want a reminder on launch day? Sign up to the Subnautica Playstation newsletter, and we will email you the moment Subnautica is available.

It’s important we be honest about dates. We’re very confident we will hit December 4th, but we can never be 100% sure of any date, ever. Game development is a wild ride. Unexpected issues could still cause a last minute delay. If something happens, we will keep you updated.

This is going to be Unknown World’s first console release. We are traditionally a PC game developer. So we are super nervous, and super excited. We are thankful to Panic Button & Gearbox Publishing for working with us to bring Subnautica to PlayStation.

Thank you to everyone that pushed us to release on PlayStation. Your tweets, emails, and other messages were instrumental in bringing about the decision to bring Subnautica to consoles. We are grateful for your patience as we have navigated the unfamiliar waters of PlayStation development.

Come launch day, we will need your help to spread the word that Subnautica is available on PlayStation. If you want to share the news, follow @SubnauticaPS on Twitter, Subnautica Playstation on Facebook, and sign up to the Subnautica Playstation newsletter.

– Unknown Worlds

PUBG confirmed for PS4; Release date, exclusive gear, details

PUBG confirmed for PS4; Release date, exclusive gear, details 11

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has been speculated to release on the PS4, and now we have solid details- including a release date, which is December 7. With a confirmed release for PUBG this close, PS4 fans may want to hold off on their Black Friday purchases and save some cash for the game.

PS4 owners will also get some excluded goodies for their copy of the game. For starters, they’ll get Uncharted and The Last of Us items when they buy PUBG, which is already available for pre-order. Players can snag Nathan Drake’s outfit from Uncharted and Ellie’s backpack from The Last of Us.

Upon launch day, the game will already have Orange, Miramar, Sanho for play. PUBG for the PS4 will also have event mode, achievements, and even the ranked system- all available on launch day.

PUBG for PS4 will be available in three different pre-order bundles, which are listed below:

  • Looter’s Edition $30 USD / $38.99 CAD

    • Base Game

  • Survivor’s Edition $50 USD / $64.99 CAD

    • Base Game

    • Survivor Pass: Vikendi*

    • 2,300 G-Coin Pack

    • 20,000 BP

  • Champion’s Edition $60 USD / $77.99 CAD

    • Base Game

    • Survivor Pass: Vikendi*

    • 6,000 G-Coin Pack

    • 20,000 BP

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds arrives December 7 for PS4 and pre-orders are available now. You can check out the reveal trailer below:

Little Big Planet level recreated perfectly in Dreams by Media Molecule

Little Big Planet level recreated perfectly in Dreams by Media Molecule 12

Media Molecule has been working on Dreams for a long time now. The game has released some artwork and screenshots here and there and definitely looks impressive so far. There’s been discussion across the internet speculating the plot, gameplay, and comparison of Dreams to Little Big Planet.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Little Big Planet, one of the best-selling games on the PS3, Media Molecule released a perfect recreation of a level in Little Big Planet in their newest project, Dreams. The video shows off how closely the game resembles that of the original title. The colors, physics, and gameplay are pretty much identical to the original game. The tweet has garnered over 3.2K likes and 118K views at the time of this writing, which shows there’s still a loyal fanbase following the development of #DreamsPS4.

You can check it out for yourself here:

Dreams were unveiled during Sony’s E3 press conference back in 2015. Since then, the project has only had spurts of news here and there, but many followers are still devoted to following the game until its release, which is scheduled for an exclusive PS4 debut sometime in 2019.

The game was first mentioned back in Gamescom in 2012, believe it or not, where the studio said they were only working on two games at once. One was Dreams, the other was Tearaway for the PS Vita.

The game has been in development for quite a while now and isn’t what players might expect from a first-party studio.

Public beta demos have been announced many times already only to be pushed back or lost in the void. Either the demo was never released or Media Molecule simply never followed-up.

Now that we’ve heard directly from Media Molecule, perhaps we’ll get some more concrete news on their latest project. Stay tuned for updates.

PS4 users forced to factory reset system after seeing glitched message

PS4 users forced to factory reset system after seeing glitched message 13

PlayStation 4 users are having a problem with their consoles where it gets frozen and are forced to do a factory reset after getting a prompt from the console. Users are advising other players to set their messages to private after receiving a message on their console. When it’s viewed, it freezes the entire system and requires a complete wipe to get it working again.

The message can’t be deleted from the console dash or the mobile app, but mixed reports surfaced on the web. This bug was found on Saturday and has yet to be fixed. Reddit users are reporting the problem all over the PS4 subreddit:

“Even deleting the message from the mobile app doesn’t work. It happened to me during Rainbow Six: Siege. A player from the other team used a dummy account to send the message and crashed my entire team. We all have had to factory reset. Only one of our guys wasn’t affected and he has his messages private. Do this ASAP to prevent this from happening to you.” (Via Huntstarck on Reddit.)

Setting messages to private will prevent getting this message that locks up your machine- just to be safe. Sony hasn’t reported or announced anything about this problem just yet. Stay tuned for some quick updates on this system-breaking bug.

Devil May Cry 5 will run at 4K and 60 frames per second

Devil May Cry 5 will run at 4K and 60 frames per second 14

Devil May Cry 5‘s Matt Walker of Capcom just confirmed that the next-gen game will run at a smooth 4K 60FPS.

Many fans will be stoked. Running this visual glory at a smooth 60FPS for that silky-smooth and enjoyable experience would be amazing for fans of the long-running series. Now, it’s really coming this March 2019.

But the catch is that it really depends on what system you get the game on.

PS4 Pro owners won’t be able to play it native 4K. Capcom will be using the checkerboarding to upscale the resolution to 4K. But the 60FPS is true 60FPS. Combine that with upscaled 4K means a smooth, visually applying (just judging by the screenshots so far), and glorious gameplay experience. Whether or not DMC5 will offer a “performance” or “visuals” preference toggle is still unknown at this point in time. So basically, DMC5 will be PS4 Pro enhanced.

Xbox One owners have less information to go on at this point. It may get the same upscaled 4K, but the Xbox One X is already more than capable of running it at native 4K with 60FPS. At this point, we’ll have to only speculate that native 4K with 60 frames per second will be offered for the Xbox One X console, granted that the system has no issue handling the game.

PC players will likely get the naive 4K resolution with 60FPS (to no surprise).

Devil May Cry 5 rolls out March of 2019 for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Designing Spider-Man is much more difficult than you think

Designing Spider-Man is much more difficult than you think 15

The Spider-Man news just keeps coming.

Earlier yesterday, a “documentary” video featuring some developers from Marvel and Insomniac Games was released and the topic of discussion was how key people from both teams working together and approached the development of Spider-Man.

The web-slinging hero is one of the most well-known characters in fictional works through comics, TV shows, movies, books, and of course, video games. Creating him for a modern adoption is pretty difficult- much more than most people would think.

Bill Rosemann of Marvel Games says that making a Spider-Man game is a huge responsibility and uses the quote “with great power comes great responsibility.” Creating Spidey wasn’t easy as the team had to balance modern gameplay design while keeping true to the hero’s abilities. He wanted to make Spider-Man’s world accessible for new fans of the game or series and that’s something that Stan Lee tried to do when he was writing the original comic where Spider-Man was created.

Bryan Intihar from Insomniac Games says that the previous games from the Ulitmate Spider-Man series were important in game design because it proved that you could change the hero and his characters in many ways while remaining “true to what makes him special.” This is pretty cool to know how much they can toy around with the idea when they create a Spider-Man game.

If you’re not sick of hearing about Spider-Man news yet, check out the video below to see how the game was adapted to modern playstyles while keeping true to the original comic in some ways:

CoD: WWII Covert Storm event is live – new weapons, challenges, and events

CoD: WWII Covert Storm event is live - new weapons, challenges, and events 16

Earlier this week, Sledgehammer Games revealed a new in-game event for Call of Duty: WWII gamers. It’s called Covert Storm. And it’s a decent one. This event is now live for Xbox One, PC, and PS4.

Unlike the previous events, this one adds a ton of content for free, though it’s just a tad less than normal. Three new weapons have also been added:

  • AS-44 AR
  • Prot X-1 SMG
  • VMG 1927 LMG

The AS-44 can be earned by reaching the max level in the Commando Division.

Aside from weapons, newly animated camos and a community challenge are also now live in CoD. This content pack, however, has no new maps with the update. But then again, this is more likely the last event before the next Black Ops game rolls out in October.

For players who’ve already played their share of WWII, you may want to check out the trailer to see what’s new while your game is updating. It pretty much highlights everything that’s new in this update.

PlayStation 4’s TV and Video section gets a makeover in latest update

PS4's TV and Video gets a makeover and update for an easier and centralized experience.

PlayStation has recently gotten a new makeover in the TV and Video section according to a post on their official blog.

As you probably know, the PS4 allows you to watch shows and TV through the menus using the system’s OS. The TV and Video portion have been in need of some major updates for a while now, as it was dragging behind the Xbox One.

The major update is the condensing of the video content all within a central location. All you need to do is launch the TV and Video app and you can manage everything in one screen without having to jump through different apps just to watch some videos. However, some players are used to this so the developers still let you do it the old-fashioned way if you’re used to it.

The new Featured section contains highlights from across all the video platforms. The Spotlight section does the same thing but only groups videos around a central theme- similar to what Xbox One is currently doing. For example, if the theme is action, the Spotlight may group a whole bunch of action shows and movies in one place. And the PS Vue section shows you live broadcasts that are popular in your current location in real-time. These are trending channels that you may be interested in.

You also get direct app access to the stuff you use most and a full list of available video platforms along with your PS Store video library.

The update also allows for a personalized experience on YouTube. You can tie your Google Account to your PlayStation and see suggestions on your menu based on your video tastes. Plans to do the same for other video platforms in the works.

If you use your PlayStation as a media center, you’ll be glad to know that Netflix, Hulu, and other on-demand media also have some minor adjustments to make the experience easier and smoother overall. The update should already be live for all PS4 owners.

You can get the full scoop on the PS blog.

Image via PS Blog.

DayZ coming to Xbox One and PS4 in 2018

DayZ is coming to consoles in 2018.

DayZ is coming to Xbox One and PS4 in 2018.

The dev team behind DayZ, Bohemia Interactive, has confirmed it on a Twitter post. They stated:

“Yes! Coming to Xbox Game Preview at some point this year, we’re not sure about PS4 yet, but we’ll release there too, eventually – just don’t know when yet.”

It’ll be coming to both PS4 and Xbox One, but the ETA is unknown other than that it’ll be some time this year in 2018. So for those who are fans of the popular zombie survival shooter, get your weapons locked and loaded for some zombie-blasting gameplay!

The release for Xbox One isn’t anything new. It’s already been hinted at way back in 2014 with the game’s creator Dean Hall stating that wanted to get the game on consoles.

In 2017, lead producer Eugen Harton stated that it’ll finally be out of early access in 2018 and it’ll also be on consoles as well.

Although the game has been in early access since the launch back in 2013, the game still has a player base- though it may not be increasing. Perhaps with a console launch, it’ll bring some players back into the game. The game is currently rated as “mixed” on Steam overall with “mostly negative” reviews recently. It looks like the devs have a lot of work of to do if they want to bring this game back.

Image via Steam.